Public Tours – Trip Details
Hamilton at Landmark Theatre, Syracuse NY

March 20, 2022
Costs (Per Person):
$259.00 |
Tour Includes:
Motorcoach transportation, tour escort, reserved Orchestra seating for matinee performance.
Not Included: Optional gratuity for motorcoach driver or tour escort. Please handle on an individual basis, we request that envelopes not be passed around the bus. A gratuity is a personal decision based on your level of satisfaction, use your discretion. Industry standards suggest $2.00 - $3.00 per person for each on a one day tour.
Reservation & Payment Info:
We have a very short time to make payment for the tickets so a deposit of $100.00 per person (or preferrably full payment to help reduce the amount of back and forth paperwork) is due by November 29. Balance due no later than December 10. ALL payments are non-refundable!! If you can not go you can find a replacement and there is no fee for name change, but we must be made aware in advance and provided with traveler name and phone number.
Payment can be made by check or money order payable to Tours By Design, Inc. and mailed to our office: PO Box 29, Hinckley NY 13352. Sorry, we do not accept card payment. There will be a $25.00 fee for checks returned by the bank for insufficient funds.
Please be aware of the theater policy: All patrons must show proof of full vaccination against Covid-19 or proof of a negative covid test taken 24-72 hours prior to curtain. Also, masks must be worn inside the theater. Current federal mandate also requires that masks be worn while on board the motorcoach. That is subject to change if the mandate is lifted or gets extended.
Contact Carol to make your reservation; 315-831-3052, 1-877-454-0927, or e-mail:
Contact Information:
Tours By Design: 315-831-3052